Tuesday, July 28, 2009

2 "Firsts" Today

Ella got to experience 2 firsts today. She had her 1st visit to the vet with Aussie. I explained to her that we were taking Aussie to the doctor, aka "vet." She thought it was really funny that Aussie was riding in the back of my car (which was a first as well) and talked to her the whole way there. When we walked in, she said "This is NOT Dr. Boecker, Aussie has a different doctor." FYI...Dr. Boecker is her pediatrician. She was great the entire time we were there. They came & took Aussie a couple different times to run tests & Ella said, "It's ok, she'll be right back!" After the vet came & talked to us the first time she said "I LOVE Aussie's doctor. This is fun!" She was also good at comforting Aussie who was very vocal with whilning the entire visit. She would pet her tell her "It's OK. I think you are tired." I know where she'd heard that one before! She also learned a new word through the experience...leash...she had never seen Aussie on one before. In fact, we had to go to Target & buy one this morning before the appointment. By the way, Aussie is fine. She has a UTI & is now on antibiotics, but everything else looked great!

Putting stickers the vet gave her on Panda, which is now her FAVORITE animal & went everywhere with us today.
She also had her 1st sushi experience this evening. New Braunfels now has a sushi bar/restaurant & it is wonderful! Of course, Ella showed absolutely no interest in trying any of the food, but she had fun playing with the chopsticks.
.Get that spicy tuna roll!

1 comment:

Kellogg's said...

Poor Aussie! Come on Ella... how can you not be a sushi lover in this family?