Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Weekend with Daddy

Ella had a fun-filled weekend with Daddy while I was away on a girls trip. She saw her 1st movie in the theater - Monsters vs. Aliens. She was great & enjoyed it! The movie was in 3D so she had fun putting the glasses on & off over and over again. There was one part where a paddle ball seemed like it was bouncing out of the screen and Ella said, "ouch, ouch, ouch." Jeff also had to hold the seat down the whole time, because she was not heavy enough for it to stay on it's own - if he let go, she folded up in the seat - ha ha!
Ella has been telling us she wanted to go fishing, so Daddy found a stocked catfish pond & took her. She was so excited! They caught 2 BIG catfish, Ella controlling the net most of the time. She was not the least bit timid or scared of the fish. They had them filleted (Ella watching,) brought them home & we fried them for dinner. Ella ate a hushpuppy & said, "I am eating my catfish!" Unfortunately, she wouldn't taste the actual fish. What a great weekend of new experiences!

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