Taylor Lynn Kellogg was born May 17, 2009 at 5:48 pm. She weighs 5 lbs, 14 oz and is 19 1/2 inches long. She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! We are so happy Jenny had such a wonderful experience and she and Baby are doing great. We can't wait to meet Taylor in a couple of days. Ella said this morning after looking at a couple pictures, "I want to see Baby Taylor now in Dallas." They are going to have so much fun growing up together. Congratulations Jenny & Derek! Here are some pictures from her first few hours.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Crawfish Boil
Ella had some "Daddy time" at a crawfish boil by the river. They enjoyed a great afternoon listening to music and Ella had a ball playing with the other kids. She played the drums, sang into a "microphone" and danced, danced, danced. Since her purse goes everywhere with her these days, she had coins that she even tipped to the band. Awwww, how nice...until she went & took them back about 10 minutes later. Ha ha! I saw Landry the next day & asked him if he had fun and he said, "Yes. Ella was a ROCKSTAR!" Go Ella!
American Girl Store & Galleria
Ella had a real "city girl experience" one day when we were in Dallas. She got to take her baby doll shopping and to lunch. We went to the American Girl Store where she picked out a new outfit for baby and then we ate lunch at the Bistro. She was a perfect little girl and loved having her baby in the highchair at the table with us. We also went shopping at the Galleria. Ella was in awe of all the escalators and different levels. We don't really see that kind of thing in New Braunfels. It was so much fun! She was such big girl and acted so grown up. Wow - time really does fly! We look forward to returning to The American Girl Store in the future and can't wait to show Daddy what fun it is being a girl!
Last Minute Trip
Since Ella was out of school & activities for another week (Swine Flu Break) we took an opportunity to pack up & hit the road to Dallas. We had a wonderful few days with family in the big city. Ella loves all the fun interaction she gets when we visit everyone! Next time we are in Dallas, Ella will have a baby cousin. She is ready for "Baby Taylor to come out and play!"
Swine '09
Monday, May 11, 2009
School Program
We recently got to watch Ella's 1st on-stage performance. She once again brought joy & laughter to parenthood! It began with a shoving match with one of the boys in her class. There were flowers of the stage floor the children were suppose to stand on or next to. Ella was VERY determined to follow directions and stand right on top of the flower. As you will see, she got her way. After the singing began, for some reason Ella decided she wanted to be front & center. So, she made her way to her new spot (on another flower) and had a ball performing the rest of the song. I am sure this is just the 1st of great performances to come.
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